Resources for Family & Friends
On this page:
Suggestions for Succesful Communication
Bringing up the topic…
You might wonder how to bring up the topic of abortion with your family or friends. You could say something like:
- I heard there are healing programs for people who have been hurt by their abortions. Did you know that?
- Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries has weekend healing retreats all over the world.
- Rachel’s Vineyard Twin Cities in MN has several weekend retreats a year.
Ask open non-judgmental questions…
If you are talking with someone and she or he shares they’ve had an abortion, ask very open questions, with no judgment or presumptions.
- What was that like for you?
- Did you have any support?
- How do you feel about it now?
- How do you think the abortion has affected you or your life?
- Reassure her: “I’m sorry you went through that.”
You might reassure her or him, that:
- You do not judge her for her choices and you still love and care about her.
- It’s normal to feel conflicted about the abortion.
- It’s okay to grieve the loss of your child.
- It’s okay to feel angry at having to make that choice.
- Reassure her that she’s not alone. There are many others who feel the way she does.
- Rachel’s Vineyard is a weekend healing program that can help her heal from the traumatic experience.
- The retreat can help her forgive herself, forgive others, connect with God and grieve her child.
- Send her a link to our website: or to the national one: